» Scholarship 政策 and Conditions for Retention

  • 所有 奖学金 只适用于秋季和春季学期,不能适用于夏季或期中课程, study abroad programs or courses taken at another university. 所有 Chapman 奖学金 combined cannot exceed tuition charges.
  • 全日制JD学生的学费奖学金每学期可申请12-16个学分(非全日制JD学生每学期可申请8-11个学分),不包括超额费用.
  • 注册变更-完成一年或更短时间后从JD全日制课程转到兼职课程的学生,其奖学金资格将延长至四年,并将获得剩余的奖学金承诺,并在剩余的学期中分配.
  • 第一年后从JD兼职项目转到全日制项目的学生,剩余的奖学金承诺将适用于剩余的学期.
  • Leave of absence: If a student is granted a leave of absence, 学生的奖学金和/或奖学金将在学生返回法学院后继续提供, 除非奖学金和/或奖学金可以申请的最大学期数已经用尽, 在这种情况下,他们的奖学金和/或奖学金在他们返回法学院后将不再继续. 请参阅 学生手册 有关在休假期间保留奖学金的其他信息和政策.
  • 见习:法学博士学生——在秋季学期结束时被安排见习的一年级学生将保留他们的奖学金和/或奖学金到春季学期.
  • 开除——被开除的学生将失去奖学金和/或奖学金. If they appeal the dismissal and are reinstated, their scholarship and/or fellowship is not reinstated.  
  • JD学生排名政策-所有学生的排名在每年春季学期结束时进行一次. Ranking is done in accordance with the Fowler School of Law's policies.
  • 某些奖学金和研究金有资格保留/续期超过一个学年. Conditions for renewal are detailed below.
  • 违反法学院荣誉守则的学生可能会被终止奖学金和/或奖学金.
  • 审查本学年生效的其他奖学金/奖学金政策, please refer to the Fowler School of Law 学生手册. 也请参考最初提供奖学金或奖学金时提供给接受者的信息.  

Earning a JD Merit Scholarship 

没有资格获得入学奖学金的学生,如果在第11学年结束时排名在同组的前15%,则有资格获得奖学金. 在入学时有资格获得部分奖学金的学生有资格获得奖学金增加, 如果他们在11年结束时排名在同组的前15%, and the amount earned is greater than their current scholarship.  在第11学年结束时获得(或增加)的优秀奖学金将在学生的第二年申请,如果学生的累积GPA保持在2分,则可以在学生的第三年续签.900 or higher at the end of their 2L spring semester. 


Retaining a Conditional Scholarship

福勒法学院颁发的有条件奖学金包括基于学费的奖学金, First Generation 奖学金, and Distinguished Student Fellowships.  入学JD课程时颁发的有条件奖学金可以续签,前提是学生的累积GPA保持在2分.在第一学年和之后的每个学年结束时达到900或更高. 对于全日制学生,有条件奖学金最多限于三年的学习. 

Part-time students may renew their conditional scholarship for their second, 第三和第四年,只要他们继续参加兼职课程,并且平均绩点保持在2分.900.  Part-time students who move into the full-time program are limited to three years of scholarship eligibility only; no 奖学金 will be offered for the fourth year of courses.

有条件奖学金可以按学费的百分比或固定金额授予. 当再次, 奖学金最初按学费的百分比发放,将在颁发年度按学费的百分比申请. 当再次, 有条件奖学金最初以固定金额颁发,将按照入学时最初提供给学生的金额一致申请, regardless of any changes in the cost of tuition.  

JD Conditional Scholarship Retention Statistics


Conditional Scholarship Retention Statistics

学生 Matriculating in Fall

# Entering with Conditional  奖学金*

# Whose Conditional 奖学金 Have Since Been Reduced or Eliminated

2023-2024 Academic Year



2022-2023 Academic Year



2021-2022 Academic Year



*These figures are determined as of October 5.


N/A = Data not available at this time.

For students matriculating in Fall 2022: one student earned a conditional scholarship; two increased their conditional 奖学金.

福勒法学院提供的有条件奖学金包括择优奖学金, First Generation 奖学金, and Non-tuition Fellowships.